Watch With Me: Thanksgiving Edition
Samantha Amato Samantha Amato

Watch With Me: Thanksgiving Edition

Well, it is that time of year again for the most beloved and controversial holiday. That’s right, Thanksgiving! A time to question the cute stories they tell us in elementary school and eat a ton of food with your family and friends.

However, I am not here to discuss the pilgrims or my favorite side dish. I am here to give thanks for the oh so many Thanksgiving themed movies. (She says sarcastically.) My absolute favorite is A Charlie Brown’s Thanksgiving! I never ever miss it on TV, but thanks to Apple TV (more sarcasm) it is no longer on our local programming, but instead on streaming. Which just means, I was able to watch it even earlier this year than normal!

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Watch with Me!
Samantha Amato Samantha Amato

Watch with Me!

Movies have been a safe haven for me over the years. There is a movie for every mood and almost every situation you are going through in your day to day life.

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